Learning Center
New Unwanted Drug Drop Box Unveiled in Danville
The District is proud to again partner with local law enforcement to make disposing of old or unwanted medicines easier and safer in Hendricks County. A new unwanted medicines drop box is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the lobby of the Hendricks County Jail located at 925 East Main Street in Danville.
A New Tox-Away Day Record!
Saturday, April 11th was our first Tox-Away Day for the year and it was our biggest day ever! The weather was beautiful and, thanks to many Hendricks County residents dedicated to doing the right thing with their household chemicals, medicines, tires, appliances and electronics, we were able to help 1,031 participants during the five hour event.
Clean the Green Way
Spring is here! Maybe you are finding yourself in a cleaning mood. Stop! Before you scrub that floor, wipe down those walls or dust the furniture, we want you to be aware of a few things. This information is important to your health and the health of the environment. Read the ingredients listed on the back of one of your household cleaners. Can you pronounce them all? Do you know what they are? Do you know what the environmental and health risks of those ingredients are?
Eco-friendly Painting
It’s getting warmer, birds are singing and things are looking greener. Sounds like a good love song, doesn’t it? We all appreciate the sights and sounds of spring. Everything is coming to life after a long, sleepy winter. Take hold of that fresh feeling as you do...
Thank You from the Bottom of our Hearts & Soles!
The District recently coordinated its fifth annual “Recycle: Heart and Sole” county-wide shoe reuse collection event. “Recycle: Heart and Sole” collects clean-gently used shoes from participating schools and donates them to charities in need. This year Boone and...
The Environmental Brew-haha with Coffee
The Environmental Brew-haha with Coffee Let’s face it; between filters, single use brew pods, coffee grounds and polystyrene cups, your morning caffeine jolt can make a lot waste! If your coffee craving is leaving you feeling a little trashy, here are some suggestions...
Refuse to Make Refuse... Dare to Repair! We have all heard the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. One very important “R” that gets left out is "Repair." In 2014, the Hendricks County Solid Waste District’s Tox-Away Days collected 96,363 pounds of appliances and...
A Look Back at 2014
Now that 2015's underway, we've had a chance to look back at the work we did last year and tabulate the results. OUTREACH & EDUCATION Environmental education is the cornerstone of what we do. Each year, nearly 10,000 Hendricks County students receive interactive,...
Season’s Greenings
Americans throw more away during the holidays than at any other time! In fact, when you consider the food waste, disposable plates, plastic cups, boxes, wrapping paper and packing peanuts that will all get trashed, your holiday spirit can end up in the dumps, too....
Burning Questions
A telltale sign that it's fall in Indiana is the smell of burning leaves. But, did you know that simply raking leaves into a pile and burning them is against the law? This is an important quality of life issue that impacts public safety and public health. Below we...