Learning Center
What a Difference!
Hendricks County schools are setting the pace when it comes to keeping waste out of the landfill. Students, teachers and administrators are working together to incorporate environmental education into their school days. And they aren't just talking the talk, they...
Litter Elimination!
What an awesome summer we're experiencing in Indiana! We hope you've gotten out with your family and friends and enjoyed some of the best that nature has to offer here in Hendricks County and beyond. It is so important to get to know nature in our own community. ...
New Recycling Updates!
RECYCLING UPDATES! Things are always changing in the world of recycling. New innovations and technologies continually create uses and end markets for materials that might otherwise be thrown in the landfill or incinerated. So, let's take a look at a couple...
Avon Schools Slashing Trash!
WASTE REDUCTION: ORIOLE STYLE Each year the District offers grants to community organizations that wish to reduce waste through innovative reuse, recycling and environmentally sound practices. Over the years we have proudly supported some great projects...
Locker Clean-Out!
School Locker Cleanout School’s out for summer…well…close enough... It is time for cleaning out desks and lockers and thinking about reducing school supply waste. Before your kiddos dump their folders, notebooks, glue, scissors, pencils, pens, and the like,...
Grasscycling: Easier for You, Better for the Environment Mother Earth is the ultimate recycler--she's been at it for a very long time and we should follow her lead, especially when it comes to plant matter. Leaves, twigs, weeds and all manner of living...
New Guide to Being Green!
Guide to Being Green Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling in Hendricks County Keeping residents informed about waste reduction, recycling and disposal options is the most important role the Hendricks County Solid Waste Management District fills. To that end, the...
Recycle Heart & Sole
RECYCLE HEART & SOLE Valentine’s Day is a day to open up your heart and share your love. And, again this year, sharing your love could include sharing your gently used shoes...so what do old shoes have to do with sharing the love? We are so glad you asked!...
2013 Recycling Review!
WOW! 2013 WAS A GREAT YEAR FOR RECYCLING IN HENDRICKS COUNTY! HERE ARE THE RAW NUMBERS: Over 1,500 tons of paper was recycled through the Paper Retriever (those green and yellow bins at schools & churches) program in 2013. 500 tons of paper & cardboard...
Blueprints for a DIY World
If you think about it, ordering blueprints for a home or other structure online is a powerful metaphor for what is happening all over the world. People are using the information they find on the Web to do more for themselves. A DIY (do it yourself) movement has...