Let’s Talk Trash

It’s an everyday habit.  You throw stuff “away”  without giving it a second thought—many of us do.  Toss it and forget it.  It’s just one of those no-brainers.  Today, we are asking that you take a moment to think about that trash.  Where does it go?  What happens to...

Reduce, Reuse and Resale?

Why Does It Matter?Re-read, re-listen, re-watch should be added to the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle list.  The written or spoken word, music, and movies do not wear out and some get better with time.  Lucky for us, there are people willing to share used media for others to...

Reduce, Reuse and Resale?

Why Does It Matter?One person’s Trash is another’s Treasure…really!  Have you been to a consignment or resale shop lately?  They are stocked full of great deals on items that have lots of life left in them.  Back-to-school time of year is a great time to check out the...

Dealing With Drought

 Why Does It Matter?If you are finding yourself with dried up plants as a result of the drought this summer and nowhere to go with them, we have solutions for you.Ideally all of our lawns and plants would have stayed green and lush all summer. But, thanks to the...

Dealing With Drought

Why Does It Matter?The exceptionally high temperatures and severe drought we have been experiencing this summer have been hard on our lawns, trees and landscaping plants.  Although the dry weather has meant a break from mowing, you may be concerned about how to...

Farmers Market Mania

Why Does It Matter?Eating locally supports local agriculture, requires the use of less energy to transport food, fosters a sense of community, makes less waste and it is better for you.  So, if you are working on being a locavore (someone who makes an effort to eat...