Compost Happens

Why Does It Matter?Food waste and yard waste together make up about 25% of what we throw away.  That means almost one quarter of what we throw away can be composted!  We can recycle nutrient rich “stuff” like leaves, twigs, grass clippings, weed and shrub cuttings,...

Do You Grasscycle?

Why Does It Matter? We all know that the Earth has been doing its own recycling for a very long time.  Leaves, twigs, weeds, and all manner of living things are part of the cycle of life and death making their way back to the soil.  Grass is no different.  If we cut...

Proliferation of Plastic

Why Does It Matter?You may have heard of US cities banning plastic bags, seen them stuck in trees or floating in the ditch.  You may even have a hundred of them balled up and stored in one giant bag of bags.  No matter WHERE you have seen them, chances are you HAVE...

Proliferation of Plastic

Why Does It Matter?Look around your house, the grocery, and well…everywhere.  You can’t go far without finding plastic.  Plastics have completely changed the way products are packaged, marketed and disposed of in the US. It is light, non-breakable, and cheaper than...

Lovin’ Our Libraries

Why Does It Matter?What’s black and white and read all over…and over… and over?  The very reusable books and other items at your local library!Of course we have hailed the merits of books and the fact that they are some of the most useful reusable items there are, but...

Dare to Compare…

Why Does It Matter?We have more stuff, use more stuff and dispose of more stuff than ever before.  As always, stopping a problem before it starts is the best way to make a change.  That means that you and I have an incredible opportunity to make a positive...