Recycling Updates

Why Does It Matter? Have you noticed how many opportunities there are for recycling lately?  And that recycling has become more convenient?  Businesses are very interested in recapturing materials to protect their bottom lines, and are aware that customers demand...

De-Trash Your Summer Bash

Why Does It Matter? You don’t have to be “Trashy” to have fun and that goes for your summertime parties, too.  Parties can create a lot of waste if you’re not careful.  Soda bottles and cans, salsa and pickle jars, ketchup and mustard bottles—it can all really add...

Green Picnicking

Why Does It Matter?Summer is finally here and it’s time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors!  Perhaps your summer plans include picnicking.  Picnics can be a wonderful, environmentally friendly family activity with just a little extra planning.Our favorites picnic...

Follow Sheldon B. Greene on Facebook

On Facebook?  Friend the District’s mascot, Sheldon B. Greene and stay updated on what’s going on in the community.  Sheldon often lets his friends know about upcoming electronics recycline events, unwanted medicine collections or great outdoor activities...

Locker Clean Out 102

Why Does It Matter? Kick off your shoes, squish your toes in the mud and soak up some sweet summer sun! But, wait!  First, you have some chores to do.  After your kiddos clean out their desks and lockers and have reused everything they can, it is time to do some...

Locker Clean Out 101

Why Does It Matter?School’s out for summer…well…close enough…  It is time for cleaning out desks and lockers and thinking about  reducing school supply waste.  Before your kiddos dump their folders, notebooks, glue, scissors, pencils, pens, and the like, talk...