If you are reading this, chances are you are already convinced of the merits of recycling. More recycling means more space in the landfill, more resources that can live on in another product and less energy spent extracting raw materials from the earth to manufacture products. But, did you know that the way you recycle matters too?
Most households in Hendricks County are fortunate to have curbside recycling available to them. Sure, for many there is a moderate cost involved–generally less than $10 per month–but, the convenience of having your recycling picked up at your home is great. And, you avoid the cost of fuel and the time it takes you to take your recycling to a drop-off center.
The District’s Recycling Drop-off Center program is aimed at providing a recycling option for those homes that are outside the area of the county where curbside recycling is available. But, just like most recycling drop-off programs, there are challenges. We routinely get calls from users of the centers and our service provider about items being illegally dumped at the site (most recently it was a mattress and chainsaw…). These abuses increase the costs of providing the program. Additionally, while most users of the centers carefully follow the directions about what can and cannot be left recycled through the program, it only takes one person putting the wrong material in the bin to ruin the entire load. Because the sites are unmanned and available 24/7, there’s little we can do to prevent this kind of misconduct. These kinds of issues are rare when a household opts for curbside recycling. Long story short: drop-off programs are prone to misuse and contamination.
So, that brings us back to curbside recycling at your home or small business. Both WM (phone: 317-539-2024) and Republic Services (phone: 317-917-7300) provide residential curbside recycling service to most of Hendricks County. They generally provide covered, rolling carts (different sizes available) and will pick up recycling every other week. Consider contacting them and finding out more because frankly, when comparing the benefits of curbside recycling to those of a drop-off program, curbside wins easily. It’s just a better way to recycle!
If you’re interested in seeing what happens to your recyclables after they are picked up, check out this video tour of a local materials recovery facility or MRF!