Each year the District offers grants to community organizations that wish to reduce waste through innovative reuse, recycling and environmentally sound practices.
Over the years we have proudly supported some great projects including the Avon Community School Corporation’s Food Service Department’s “Save the Silverware!” project which replaced disposable flatware in eleven of the twelve Avon Community Schools with reusable forks and spoons.
Before replacing disposable flatware (wrapped in plastic) with reusable utensils, approximately 853,000 plastic utensils and wrappers were making their way into the trash each year.
“Since implementing silverware in January of this year we have served over 350,000 lunch and breakfast trays that previously would have included a disposable utensil. Today 11 of our 12 schools only offer reusable silverware and both our students and staffs seem to appreciate the change. We’re pleased to not only offer a sustainable solution but also improve the level of service with real silverware,” Emily Cates, Food Service Administrator
In addition to the environmental benefits, the school corporation is no longer spending precious financial resources reordering “sporks” month after month.
Of course, making changes in the habits of the students required some education and logistical changes in the lunchroom. To remind students not to “throw away” their utensils, the schools utilize signs that read “Think Green…and remember your silverware is not trash!”