Latex Paint Disposal

Unwanted or unusable latex paint seems to be everywhere. Many of us inherit a less-than-desirable collection of it when we buy a house–leftovers from the previous owners. The good news is latex paint is non-toxic and doesn’t require any special disposal...

Electronics Recycling

Did you notice how many electronic devices were given as gifts during the holidays? It’s true that electronics comprise an ever-increasing proportion of what we throw away. We have seen a huge increase in a number of electronics we receive at our Tox-Away Days....

Green Gift Wrapping Ideas

It should come as no surprise that Christmastime isn’t the most eco-friendly time of the year. We’re not here to bust your chops about that. But, there are some fun and easy ways to create less trash as you celebrate this year. One of the easiest ways is...

Local Organizations Awarded Nearly $12,000!

Last month, the Solid Waste District’s Board of Directors awarded four local organizations from the District’s Community Grants Program.  The funds will be used to undertake projects that promote sustainability and care for natural resources. The organizations...